There is a famous saying of Joan Welsh,
"A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs".
It is a famous myth to just #eatsleepatrepeat without performing any important daily chores. This is gaining much popularity for the last month as most of (approx. 80%of world population) people are enclosed to their homes/rooms. We seriously have no idea of day and night, as the texting or watching online series on #netflix goes on and on. Their stomachs are consuming literally 2x to 3x of their initial daily consumption, of which fats ingestion takes position. Consumption of snacks are unknowingly increased.
Afterwards they cannot go out for walk due to #lockdown and are just gaining weight much speedily than was ever imagined. If we just mark our daily routine with 30-45 mins walk, we can easily mantain our body structure, but control on consumption is also much necessary.
You must not ignore these convenient suggestions for weight loss by NHS,
Try out these excercises at home, #stayhome
